School Rules

Points to remember

  • Parents must ensure that children bring the books to the school according to the daily
  • Parents are requested to avoid requesting leave for their wards as far as possible. In
    case of absence for special reasons, leave application should be sent in written prior
    to the date. In case of sickness, leave letter should be produced on the day the student
    attends the school. Producing medical certificate is essential in case of long absence
    and the student must come to school with his/her parent and meet the principal.
  • Parent’s attendance at the P.T.A meeting / open day is compulsory.
  • Parents should check the broad cast messages and school portal every day for homework
    and other instructions.
  • The results of the assessments and examinations are communicated to the parents by means
    of progress report. Parents are requested to check the report cards without fail to find
    out how their wards have performed academically.
  • Attendance during test and examination is compulsory.
  • A retest will be given to students who failed to secure the
    minimum pass percentage in the annual examination.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to notify in writing, of the change of address and
    telephone number. The school is required to keep an up-to date record of such
  • Parents should see that their children follow the rules and regulations of the school.
  • Parents who are desirous of taking their wards home during working hours (in case of any
    emergency) should come in person and get the permission from principal by submitting a
    written request duly signed. Parents must not send relatives or strangers to school to
    pick up their wards without prior information.
  • During emergency situation, the person who comes to pick the child must bring an
    authorization letter. The parent must inform about the same to the school office, over
    phone also.
  • Parents are asked to refrain from sending an obviously sick child to school, even during
  • Parents have the responsibility to notify the school when a student suffers from
    ailments like severe allergies, diabetes, heart diseases, fits, any abnormality etc.,
  • Students are not supposed to be in the school premises before and after school hours
    unless specified by the school authorities.
  • Students should follow the courses of study, to confirm to the regulations of the
    school, to obey promptly all the directions of the teacher, to be kind & helpful to
    their peers, to be clean & neat in their habits and to avoid bad language.
  • Any school property or furniture intentionally damaged or destroyed by a pupil must be
    paid for by the parent/ guardian. In addition, disciplinary action may be taken by the
    school administration.
  • Students are strictly prohibited from giving gifts to teachers.
  • All students should carry a clean hand kerchief to school every day. Students who carry
    their lunch to school should bring a napkin and a spoon.
  • Students should use only ink or gel pen [Blue or Black] from grade V onwards.
  • Students should not bring razor blade, steel scale, needle, pin or costly articles, gold
    ornaments etc., to the school. Excessive amount of money & valuables should not be
    brought to school. Articles found should be returned to the office.
  • In the event of loss of costly articles, the school will not entertain any complaint.
  • A second I.D card will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- at the school office in case the
    first I.D card is lost or damaged.
  • Parent or Guardian shall not visit their wards/teachers in class rooms.
  • Private tuitions are discouraged, but may be resorted to after consulting the Principal,
    for differently abled students.
  • All are advised to converse in English in and around school at all times. It is never to
    make you forget the mother tongue but to help you ensure your international citizenship.
  • Complaints, if any, should be written and must be handed over to the Principal.
  • Absence must be recorded in the leave record.
  • A minimum of 80% attendance is essential to appear for the examination.
  • Parents/Guardians are expected to get themselves acquainted with all the rules and
    regulations of the school and help their children to observe them strictly.
  • Parents should see that their children complete their assignments/projects.
  • All communications except leave applications should be addressed to the principal and
    not to the class teachers.
  • Students should cut their nails and hair neatly while they are coming to school.
  • All pupils are expected to take part in school games and other co-curricular activities.
Library Rules

The Library is open from 9.00am to 3.30 pm on all working days. Strict silence must be
maintained in the library.

Issue of Library Books
  • Students of III-VIII are allowed to take books.
  • Books can be retained for one week.
  • Can be renewed for another 5 days if the students requires.
  • Books should be handled carefully.
  • Inspect the book carefully before borrowing.
  • Any damage to be reported to the librarian immediately.
  • A fine of Rs.5 per day will be collected, if the books are not returned on the due date.


All students are expected to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner in all places. The
whole hearted co-operation of guardians is expected at all times in the formation of the
character of their children. As the student progresses from the lower to the higher classes
he/she will be given increasing opportunities to shift from confirming to externally imposed
order to self-imposed discipline.

  • Students are expected to greet all visitors and members of the staff with respect and
  • Every student should endeavour to keep up the high tone and good name of the School by
    excelling in fine manners and departments.
  • When changing rooms for language and other subjects, students are expected to move in an
    orderly manner and in silence.
  • Students are required to display good manners, be polite and courteous to one another
    and avoid the use of objectionable language.
  • Money should not be lent or borrowed and articles like CD’s, pendrives, mobile phones
    and any kind of sharp objects should not be bought to school.
  • The school will not shoulder any responsibilities for books, money, clothes and other
    articles that are lost. Pupils must look after their own possessions. It is not
    advisable to have money of valuable articles (like jewellery) with them.
  • Students must wear the prescribed uniform only. Girl students having long hair should
    ensure it is neatly plaited. Dyed/coloured hair, mehandi, ornaments and painted nails
    are not allowed.
  • Any student who wishes to leave the school early should submit a letter from the parent.
Care for school property
  • It is the responsibility of each and every student to keep the class room and the school
    campus clean. All litter should be deposited in the dustbins provided for this purpose,
    both in the class rooms and in the school campus.
  • All school property should be handled carefully. Students must refrain from defacing or
    writing on walls, tables or chairs.
  • Any damage done, even by accident must be reported immediately to the Class Teacher or
    Supervisor. Any damage willfully committed will have to be compensated for.
  • Care of all classroom property is the responsibility of the students who occupy the
  • Students must be present in the school campus before the commencement of the Assembly.
  • All students have to be present on the first and last working of each term.
  • To meet the promotion criteria, 85% attentio is compulsory.

Assessment Schedule and the System Evaluation

KG to Grade II
Type of Test Max. Marks
Periodic Test-I 20
Periodic Test-II 20
Periodic Test-III 20
Periodic Test-IV 20
MA 5
Portfolio 5
Grade: III-IV
Type of Test Max. Marks
Periodic Test-I 20
Periodic Test-II 40
Periodic Test-III 20
Periodic Test-IV 40
MA 5
Portfolio 5
Grade: V-VIII
Type of Test Max. Marks
Periodic Test-I 40
Periodic Test-II 80
Periodic Test-III 40
Periodic Test-IV 80
MA 5
Portfolio 5

Note: In annual examination, Students has to score 33% overall marks in each subjects.

Co-curricular activities and discipline will be graded on a 3-points scale which will be reflected in the report card.

Co-curricular activities

For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas will be graded term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding, B= Very Good and C=Fair). The aspects of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork will be the generic criteria for grading in the following co-scholastic activities.


The Students will also be assessed for the discipline, which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values, and tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations attitudes towards society, nation and others. Grading on Discipline will be dome term-wise on a 3-point grading scale. (A=Outstanding, B=Very Good and C=Fair)

SEA – Subject Enrichment Activities

These are subject specific activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. These activities are to be carried out throughout the term; however, they should be evaluated at the term – end.

MA – Multiple Assessments

It includes Slip test, Notebook, Homework and overall performance in the class will be considered.

Co-Scholastic Activities
Grade Points Description
A 3 Outstanding
B 2 Very Good
C 1 Fair
Grade and point Scale (Scholastic Activities)
Grade Marks Range Grade Point
A1 91-100 10.0
A2 81-90 9.0
B1 71-80 8.0
B2 61-70 7.0
C1 51-60 6.0
C2 41-50 5.0
D 33-40 4.0
E 32 & Below 3.0