Our Facilities

We believe that providing good infrastructure is crucial to provide a quality education to our students.

It enhances the learning experience, supports diverse learning styles, promotes safety, health and well-being,
fosters social development, and attracts quality teachers.

Our well-designed infrastructure helps us in meeting that goal splendidly.

  • Classrooms

    We provide well lit & airy classrooms for the comfort of our children.

  • Toilet Block

    A modern, ventilated, hygienic toilet block for boys, girls and the differently
    abled is provided for the well-being of our children.

  • Science Laboratories

    Separate & well-equipped Physics, Chemistry & Biology labs add value to our classroom teaching & encourage curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

  • Math Lab

    A fully functional Math lab has been established to visualize abstract concepts,
    apply mathematical knowledge to practical situations. & to make mathematics more

  • Computer Lab

    Our well-appointed Computer lab has ensured creativity, innovation, skill development by keeping abreast with new technology.

  • Library

    Despite the ubiquity of the internet, a school library remains a crucial resource for students. Our school library provides access to physical books, magazines, and other resources that may not be available online. It also provides a quiet space for students to study and conduct research, help kindle their imagination and instils a lifelong love of reading that is so missing today.

  • Activity Rooms

    Separate activity rooms for Yoga, Dance, Vocal & Instrumental Music, Karate, Art & Mediation ensures better learning.

  • Play Ground

    Our large outdoor playground has a 200-metre race track. We also have a Handball, Volley ball, Throw Ball, Kho Kho & Kabaddi court.

    For our young students we have a fully appointed outdoor play area with swings, slide, merry go round, see saws etc.

Admissions Open for Session 2024-25

Your kids deserve the best education for the best future.

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